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Russian Ferro Alloy Export Volume Decreases in April

Source:Anyang Kangxin Metallurgy Furnace Charge Co LtdAdd Time:2022-05-25

In the face of sanctions and logisrtics limitation in April, Russia saw a drop of ferro alloys export, out of which silicon alloys were the most significant. Meanwhile, alloy prices around the world is declining.

It recorded an export of 11,200 tons of ferro silicon, 3.4 times higher than that of March, but 3.6 times lower year on year. And during the last season, its export volume dropped by 63% to 76,200 tons. The drop affected alloy prices in the world. Stastics show that quotation of ferro silicon from Europe, America and Japan increased by 6% in April than March but has decreased by 4% in May.

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